CompetitveCoding Series is designed to crack top product based companies Like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Uber, LinkedIn, Twitter etc., and to Master Datastructures, Algorithms and Coding required for ICPC and IOI.
The level0/foundations program, first part of the competitive programming series, aims at opening your mind for computational thinking and takes out your fear of coding by demonstrating LIVE THINKING and CODING. The curriculum and assignments are scientifically designed to give joyful journey of learning and we want to see every one of you as part of our great alumni after finishing this course.
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ThimmaReddy is the founder of Algorithmica and holds Master Degree from IIT-Guwahati. He believes that education means training of the mind to think and solve problems with direct experience. Prior to founding Algorithmica, ThimmaReddy worked at LSI Logic, Agami Systems, Applied Discovery & some other startups as an Engineer, Architect & AI Strategist. He strongly asserts that the current education system is outdated & needs complete overhaul to upbring the people to solve the problems posed by companies & research.
To get guranteed success in any area of skill, he advocates three needed things: scienitifc curriculum, experiential learning & mentorship. At Algorithmica, he transformed thousands of students and working professionals to quality thinkers and he also created different scientifc curriculum for different pressing problems faced by students, working professionals and companies. ThimmaReddy loves to explore every aspect of computing field and is very passionate to share his experiential knowledge too.
His Alumni works in top-notch companies like Google, Mircosoft, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, WallMart Labs, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., spread around the world. He is now acting as mentor for some startup AI companies and in parallel leading algorithmica for THE ultimate destination for quality experiential learning in whole computational field/domain.
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